Solo Concerts
The flamenco tradition was born in Andalucía and is a unique and highly compelling artistic phenomenon. Most commonly, baile (dance), cante (singing) and toque (guitar playing) are brought together to create a flamenco performance. However, due to exciting innovations in the 20th century, solo guitar concerts have evolved to become an equally dramatic artistic showcase. In solo concerts, Samuel Moore, presents diverse programmes drawing on the many palos (musical forms) that shape the flamenco tradition.
Solo Concert Programme oPTIONS
Guitarra Flamenca (An Introduction to the Flamenco Guitar)
Al-Andalus (A Journey Into Medieval Moorish Spain)
Spanish Landscapes (Discovering the Global World of Flamenco)
Masters of The Flamenco Guitar (Standing on the Shoulders of Giants)
“A fantastic flamenco guitarist!”
“What an amazing concert … full of musical stories. I couldn’t resist imagining dancers swirling on stage! To top it all, the workshop was mind-blowing, so fast paced and profound. ”
“Last night’s concert it was absolutely amazing! ... I’m still in wonder this morning at Samuel’s beautiful music!”
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