July Offer!

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Throughout July 2021 Samuel will be running a SPECIAL OFFER for new people signing up for to his weekly event 'The Mid Week Guitar Meet'.

What’s The Offer?

Sign up this month and in addition to all the great material you get via Samuel’s 'The Mid Week Guitar Meet' you’ll also be awarded a FREE 30 MIN ONE-TO-ONE LESSON! Don't miss out, sign up today via the ‘Gold’ level membership of Samuel’s Patreon page:

What’s ‘The Mid Week Guitar Meet’?

For those who haven’t come across ‘The Mid Week Guitar Meet’ before, this event is an informal and supportive online study group for those who love flamenco guitar! All the meetings are hosted via Zoom (Wednesdays -7:00pm -GMT) and last around 2 hours. The group is about to enter a new season of teaching so there has never been a bettor time to get involved and connect with a global community of likeminded people!

Over the past four months the 'Mid Week Guitar Meet's' members have been working with Samuel on the flamenco palos: soleá, alegrías, soleá por bulerías, tangos and lots of technique related subjects. By connecting with the group via Patreon you'll instantly get access to all 16 exclusive recap videos from these sessions, together with: 8 handouts, 4 bonus tutorial videos and the promise of much more to come! Alongside this, and most importantly, you'll also get access to all of Samuel’s upcoming Zoom gatherings that will cover the flamenco palos: tientos, siguiriyas, bulerías and guajiras, alongside many other exciting subjects!

Samuel Moore